How About Setting Intentions Instead of Resolutions?

I know New Years is the time for goals and resolutions, but how about this year we soften it a bit?


I mean, resolutions are fine—but how often do we actually follow through on them for the whole year ahead? And if your resolution is based on something you ‘should’ do or be, isn’t that a lot of pressure? Hasn’t 2020 been challenging enough?


If you’ve got a resolution going, you might ask yourself:


  • Do you need to accomplish this goal to feel better about yourself because currently you don’t feel like you’re measuring up?


  • Or does your desired goal fill you with inspiration and excitement?


If you can set a resolution lovingly, great! Go for it! I’ve just never been able to. That’s why I prefer setting intentions.


Intentions aren’t only about things you want to accomplish, an intention can also be about how you want to feel. Usually, we want the things we want because we think that having them will make us feel a certain way.


So, what if we focus more on the feelings we desire than the things we want? These intentions become light affirmations that uplift us and nourish our soul.


Okay, I’ll go first.


In 2021, I want to feel more alignment and joy. I want to smile more, play more, and have better boundaries. I want to feel in the flow and show up consistently for my daily practices.


I am intending to feel good.


That feels right to me. Not too pushy, and just the right amount of purpose and excitement about what’s ahead. I don’t know how this intending will show up in my life, but I’m starting to trust more and more that the better I feel, the more my life mirrors those good feelings back to me.


If this resonates with you, please let me know. And I hope you’ll share your intentions for the year ahead with us in the comments below.



