This time of year always feels like a new start to me. Do you feel it, too? All those new school year starts left an impression making fall feel like a new beginning. Do you feel something bubbling up under the surface? Perhaps an old desire or dream trying to get your attention?

That can feel good or not so good. Because when we start again, when we dust off those dreams, it can feel scary. If it didn’t work out before, there was probably disappointment and we’ll do almost anything to avoid feeling disappointed again.

I understand. Really. I do. I’ve been disappointed. Totally disappointed. Some of you know that as well as being a creative coach, I write children’s books. But for years and years, nobody seemed to care about my writing. I met a lot of rejection and, worse, a lot of dead air. Which led to…you guessed it…disappointment. There were times when I wanted to give up. In fact, there were times when I did give up. But I’m so glad I didn’t. I was past fifty before my first book was published. But who cares! I’m doing exactly what I want to do and loving my life. So, please believe me when I say, it’s never too late.

But let’s rewind for a moment to before, when I was waist deep in disappointment and left with two choices: wade in deeper or get out of the pond. Bit by bit, I chose the latter. I took it upon myself to examine the internal beliefs that were contributing to my generalized stuck-ness. And about that time, I found tapping. My own (and ongoing) transformation using EFT (or tapping) is why I share it with others. I hated feeling stuck. I hated feeling disappointed. And somewhere inside, I knew there had to be another way. It just took me time to find it.

With this in mind, I’m attaching an audio EFT tap around trying again, releasing disappointment, opening your heart and reclaiming your dreams. I often make short audios like this for my private clients so they’ll have something to focus on between sessions. And they seem to be very helpful. So, this one’s for you. Follow along and tap the points with your fingertips, repeating after me. Don’t worry if you skip a tapping point or don’t do it perfectly. Any tapping works. Just tap!

When you tap with the recording and repeat back the words I’m saying, notice what it brings up for you. Where do the words ring true and where do they feel uncomfortable? Pay attention to how your body feels while you’re tapping. Does your throat get tight? Does a tenseness form in your stomach when you repeat a certain phrase? All of these are important clues in breaking the code of your life. So, listen to yourself. Write down your findings. Get acquainted with the stuff you’ve buried. Because as long as it’s ignored and buried, it keeps you from moving forward.

If you have any questions, please let me know. And PLEASE tell me if this is helpful and if it’s something you’d like for me to continue to do. If you like it, I’m happy to do more.

Lots of love and happy tapping!


P.S. To learn more about tapping, visit the Tapping Solution or EFT Universe.

P.S.S. Here’s a tapping chart you might find helpful as a guide.