How’s your energy? Right now. Today. Are you super focused on what’s important to you or are you lost somewhere in the weeds confused as to what to do next?

I just became aware that I have been in the weeds for a while and didn’t even realize it. The minutiae of life had taken over (sound familiar) and I suddenly found myself on a becalmed sea wondering what happened to the wind.

Ahhh… the wind … that external force that moves us forward. BUT… What if the wind is actually created by the power of our intentions? What if our focus whips up the wind in our sails?

I had momentarily forgotten this, bouncing along semi-directed for no particular reason except laziness … and life.

So today, I am OPEN FOR BUSINESS again. I pull my shoulders back and say to the universe, bring it on. I’m re-engaging with what’s important to me. I am shouting it from the rooftop. I am willing to double down on my powerful intentions. I am willing to receive that wind in my sails.

Can you relate? Is it the time to re-engage with what’s important to you? At the top of this post is a recorded tap to help you do that. Just follow along with the tapping points and repeat after me.

Hope it’s helpful. And let me know if you have any questions.

Happy Tapping!
