The secret sauce is momentum! Momentum is a wondrous thing. When we consistently move forward, momentum starts to build. When it takes over, it speeds us along almost effortlessly.

Great, right? It sure is when you’re in a positive mindset, seeing the best of yourself and others, and committed to a happy vision and life. Momentum is the wind in our sails that speeds us across our sea of life. Once we get it started, it does most of the work for us. And people, there is nothing as cool and fun as flow. It’s amazing!

But momentum works both ways. If you’re beating the drum of shame or victimhood, look out, because momentum will roll that along, too. And once we get a head of steam going around something, it can take real effort to turn it around.

Can you relate? I hope more to the first example. But we’ve all dabbled in both sides of the momentum coin.

So today, on this rainy turned sunny day in Los Angeles, I encourage you to practice creating positive momentum. We do that by taking small consistent steps and actions in the direction that we consciously crave to go. You could do a ten minute meditation, take a walk (in the rain!), do some affirmative tapping (what, did I say tapping?), or just catch yourself when a negative thought comes up and let it pass.

Every thought, every action, every intention adds to momentum. So what is the momentum you are creating right now? See where your current actions and thoughts are taking you … today, next week, next month, next year and ask yourself, is this where I want to go?

A little regular attention to our momentum can create huge benefits to our lives. Just try and see!