Recently, I had an experience that filled me with fear. Not tiger-chasing-me-down-the-street fear. But that other kind. The one that feels so familiar and so real, about something that hadn’t happened yet. And boy, I took the bait. I hadn’t felt that kind of fear and dread in my stomach for a long time. And for about a day I was capsized.

Day 2 started and I realized that I could go down the fear path (a compelling option at the time) or I could start to tap. Even though I am the tapping queen, I was resistant. It felt like too much. How was tapping going to help me with this?

But I started to tap anyway. That day I think I just tapped the words “all this fear” over and over again. “This fear in my stomach. This fear in my chest. This fear. This fear. This fear.” I did round after round but it didn’t do much to change how I felt. I still felt afraid. But I kept tapping.

Every day I tapped. Tapping on fear led me to tapping on dread which led me to tapping on childhood traumas that needed revisiting…but still, I didn’t feel much better. And that’s how it can go with tapping sometimes. It doesn’t feel much better … until it does.

Jump to Day 10. That was yesterday. And I woke up feeling myself again. The storm clouds had parted and I actually felt relief. I could breathe again. All that tapping had done something amazing. Not only did I finally feel better but I could tell I opened space for more possibility. So that the thing I was dreading might show up differently. Might dissolve. Might lead me through a new and unexpected door. Space. Sometimes that’s all we need. And I’m here to tell you that tapping can create that space.

So, if you’re dealing with fear, this tap is for you. (See audio tap at the beginning of this post).  But please keep doing it (or some kind of tapping on your fear) every day, multiple times a day, until you have your Day 10 experience. It might not literally happen for you on Day 10. It might take longer (or shorter) for you, but it’s worth it. And once you find that empowerment through tapping, you’ll incorporate it into your energetic toolbox. You’ll give yourself a win that will lead to more empowerment. You’ll create space for the world to feel safer and more supportive. And you’ll be okay.

Let me know if this is helpful. Take care of yourself because sometimes life doesn’t feel so easy. But in those moments of discomfort, we might find divine opportunity.

Sending lots of love your way,
